Add music and download as HD video with no watermark or as GIF Create Cinemagraphs Online with 27 Free & Premium Templates Make a looping Cinemagraph with minor movements for various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, email and more. If you'd like to test free cinemagraphs and use them for commercial or private purposes, then you're in the right place: Simply download one or several free cinemagraphs via the Download free mp4 or Download free gif button and use the cinemagraph on Facebook, Instagram, your website, for your next marketing campaign or some other. Oleg Magni Download Free Cinemagraphs For Commercial Use. Use the attention-grabbing power of cinemagraphs for your projects! cinema cinematography film. All of these still photos with subtle motion can be downloaded for free. Find the most engaging cinemagraphs on Pexels. Sure - you could consider hiring a photographer, but since these types of images contain a degree of animation and software expertise, not all photographers are going. GIFs Here Cinemagraphs might be a great marketing tool - but not everyone has the skill or mastery to pull off this fascinating type of art.