I know this because I first looked at Home Depot, Menards, Lowes, all grocery stores and pharmacies. It’s extremely difficult to find, and the only place I could find it was Ace Hardware. Your ammonia must be unscented and contain absolutely nothing but ammonia and water. In a separate beaker or shot glass, add 20 ml.s of 10% ammonia (Ace Hardware brand) to 20 ml.s of distilled water. In other words, if all of your original cocaine dissolved completely in the original 40 ml.s, then simply add 20 more ml.s of freshwater to that and move on……. Our final objective is to have a total of 60 ml.s of water per every one gram of cocaine. Once all of the liquid has drained thru, add 20 more ml.s of water thru the same filter to gather any cocaine water than may have permeated the filter paper. Therefore, if any does remain undissolved, simply filter it into a separate glass container via a standard round coffee filter and plastic funnel. If any remains undissolved, it’s not cocaine, so we need to get it out of there before wasting any time on that crap. Whatever you decide on, just make sure it’s glass. The correct method for making 100% pure freebase cocaine is to dissolve 1 gram of adulterated cocaine in 40 ml.s of water in either a large glass beaker or glass mason jar. Written by the famous Le Junk from Bluelight, thanks, dude! How to make crack using ammonia without heating, Found this recipe online & haven't tested it yet.